
Get Ref

About the Owner of the website

Earnings and Infos

Pay Per Ad

Minimum Ad's

Earnings Daily

Maximum Reff

0.003 -30 Points


5+ Points

No Limit (5 lvl)

Who Can Join

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Min Cashout

Adding Money

All Countries


No withdraws

More Infos

  • Site opened in 24 March 2003
  • Referal Earnings :  10% of the all credits that your reff earn (by joining programs) 5 Level reff (10% each)
  • No. of days untill your account is deleted for inactivity: 90
  • Script : Refferal site. You must register on some sites to earn credits, with that credits u get reff.
  • Forum : Active since 2004, active staff

Refferal's Gained Proofs

Verry Soon !


On this site you dont earn money, you need to register on ptc's, blogs, forums, and you get paid in points. With points you put offer for refferal on any site you want. For example you register on some programs, you get 10 points, and you need reff on examplebux.com , you put offer for 1 point for each who register under you on your ptc site, and you can get 10 direct refferals. You can add funds directly from paypal / payza to buy points too if u dont wanna register on many sites to get points. A verry good program to increase your downline.

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If the website changes the policy or turn off, or any other problem we will try to update the new updates, check our DISCLAIMER

1 comentarii:

moneyking said...

i maked account on this and i have allready 10 credits, i will use them to find 10 direct referals ;). good site !!!!!!!!!!!!

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