
Clix Planet

About the Owner of the website

Avinash Emmidi of India

Earnings and Infos

Pay Per Ad

Minimum Ad's

Earnings Daily

Maximum Reff

$0.001 - $0.015



No Limit

Who Can Join

Cashout Time

Min Cashout

Cashout Methods

All Countries



More Infos

  • Site opened in January 2012
  • Referal Earnings :  20% (you must click every 24 hours to get earnings from reff)
  • No. of days untill your account is deleted for inactivity: 60
  • Script : PTC site (low earner) but have other options to earn money beside Click's.

Payment Proofs

Soon !


Until now the website didnt had any problems and paying . If will be no problems in the future the site will be move to our : Aproved Sites . We are continuing using and monitoring the site. If someone had problems or wanna share his opinions, cashout, please leave a comment.

Please read 
If the website changes the policy or turn off, or any other problem we will try to update the new updates, check our DISCLAIMER

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August 2012

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