
Bux Craft

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More Infos

  • Site opened in  April 2012
  • Referal Earnings :  50% (you must click every 24 hours to get earnings from reff)
  • No. of days untill your account is deleted for inactivity: 90
  • Script : PTC sit, low earner, but have buxgrid - win up to 1$ (25 chances), and PTSU
  • Forum : Admin active on forum


  • 2 September 2012 - Site is closing because of Paypal Limitation

During these 5 months, we did our best to be honest as possible to our members. Lately, we had a problem regarding PayPal and we think you deserve to know what is happening.On August 31, our PayPal account was suddenly limited without warning. We had immediately called them up and filed a support ticket. The limitation cannot be lifted until 180 days. We had tried our best to talk it out but to no avail they refused. The support ticket we filed still has no reply until now.PayPal Limitation
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Here is the email they sent on August 31, 2012 (taken August 31,2012):
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PayPal Limitation (Taken today)
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The limitation was due to 4 credit card chargebacks:
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PayPal did not like those credit card chargebacks probably because of the potential to get blacklisted by Visa or MasterCard. However, we still think that it is unjust to suddenly limit our account without warning nor allow us to appeal. The funds which were enough to run the site for years is now stuck in PayPal. It is frozen for 180 days and it is not even sure that it will get unfrozen after that time because PayPal emphasized that they will still decide whether to release the funds after their 180 day investigation. Currently, we do not have enough funds to our members, pay for hosting and SSL protection.Many of you may be wondering, why the other payment processors are turned off. The truth is, there is nothing left in our Payza account and Liberty Reserve. We had turned on Liberty reserve on September 1st to pay members until there was nothing left. And we had tried to refund, August 31 purchases in Payza.
Depleted Balance
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Almost all (around 95%) of the purchases come from PayPal and without it, the site can no longer be sustained. We have now turned off deposits to prevent anyone from further purchasing here.We really wished to run the site and we could have had run it for years if this didn't happen. The work and the finance we had put into this project is lost because of this limitation.If the PayPal account is unfrozen after 180 days, we will try to refund every person who have not achieved their return of investment. If it is not unfrozen then we will look for other ways and do everything even if it takes years to re-earn the frozen balance and hopefully refund users under ROI except those who will file disputes.We will save the BuxCraft database including registered users' emails and use it to send refunds if we get hold of the frozen balance.
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Writing this news was really hard. We have no other choice but to close BuxCraft since the limitation by PayPal has caused us to be financially bankrupt. Please stop advertising BuxCraft in other sites to prevent people from coming in. BuxCraft may be online for a few days until our host which we can no longer pay finally shutdowns the website.

Payment Proofs


Until now the website didnt had any problems, but how now the website declare the paypal account limited and announced the site closing, we will move the site from waiting for aproval to the   scam list  

Please read 
If the website changes the policy or turn off, or any other problem we will try to update the new updates, check our DISCLAIMER

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